Sunday, May 3, 2020

10 Amazing Business ideas

In this blog i will tell you the 10 amazing offline and online business ideas.In Pakistan mostly people do jobs and the average income of Pakistani's is 40-50k.It means if they are carrying a huge family then they did not live a luxury life,So the other option to live a luxury life is to start a business but we know that business is not safe way to earn money because sometime in Business we have to face loss and without any-kind of savings we will not bear this loss.So you will start a part-time business it means when you come home take rest and then give time to your business.When your business being stable then quit the job and gave your full-time to the business.

Start a Academy:-

If you are a techer then it is very good,you will manage this academy very easily,because in Pakistan the ratios of the academy is very low.So you will start a academy.Academy requires a space so you have to take 3-4rooms on rent.Appoint teachers and starts this project.In a year your academy will become your strong business

Poultry Farming:-

                  Poultry farming is a very popular business all over the world.It needs a little-bit investment but it will pay you back.In Pakistan poultry farming is the number one business.The profit ratio of this business is 90 percent it means if you invest 10 rupees in this business then you will gain 90 rupees of profit,But in some cases the rate of chicken will become very low and you have to face loss.If you want to know the full details of this business then click the link below:-

Chicken and egg production farming business
Inside the chicken Egg
Chicken and their benefits
After reading these three blogs you will know all about this business and do not face any-kind of loss in your business InshaAllah.

Start a Fast food shop:-

  Fast food business is a type of business which will never goes to loss in all over the world.Because everyone wants to eat fast food and they also love fast food.Start a fast food shop,sell quality products and convert your shop into a brand.
Make cakes at home and become a Millionaire ,

Start a Ice-cream bar:-

               :How to start a Ice-cream bar
 If you do not want to start a fast food shop then start a ice-cream bar.It is also a very good business idea because everyone like ice-cream,coffee and tea.Start this bar do some advertisements.This business will gave you a lot of profit.If you want to know how to start this then read this blow

Video game shop:-

Its a part-time business,start a video game shop.Childrens want to play video games and Video games also have very bad addiction.If some-one starts taking interest to play video games then they will never quit it easily.

Driving School:-

             If you have a great skill of driving car,bikes and heavy trucks then start a driving school by making pages on Facebook,Instagram and throught whatsapp.Take fees from your clients and gave them the skill of driving.

Start a Gym:-

   This business requires little bit more investment but it also pays you back.This business requires a place.If you do not have any place then you will take place on rent.You have to purchase gym equipments which are very expensive.This business requires a lot of money but when the business starts there is a no of loss.

Hassan Zafar

Author & Editor


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