Monday, April 27, 2020

Chicken and Egg Production Farming Business

Chicken and Egg production farming business is the one of the most easy and earning business all over the world.You can easily earn 5-7 lac per month.

Bill Gates said that : If one day he losses his every money and become a poor man so he will start the chicken and egg production farming business.

Now the point is this a billionaire person is suggesting  this business.It means that this business carries a lot of worth in all times.Here are some amazing fact about this business:
1.Hens will lay eggs.
2.People also like to eat chickens.
3.Some of the people like Hens as a pet.
4.The wastage of hens are also used a fertilizers and for the feed of cats and dogs.
5.The chicks are very attractive and kids want to buy it.
                 After reading these 5 points you will know that there will be no side of loss in this,you can start farming of hen for chicken,eggs,chicks and for beauty which people want to purchase it.

Facts about Hen Farming:-

1.Hen can lay 265 eggs per year.And the average age of hen is 5-10 years,it means one hen can lay apprx.2000 eggs in their life span.In America one dozen eggs cost $3 apprx.So you can easily earn $500 from one hen after selling their eggs.
2.The average weight of hen is 2kg.In U.S one kg chicken is apprx.9$,So you can sell one hen in $18.
3.You can also sell baby chicks.
4.You can also raises the breed of hen and sell it in open market and earn profit in millions.

How to start Chicken and Egg Production farming business?

1.First time you have to start this business as a practice due to this you can learn many things
of this business and it will helps you when you start it on a very large scale.
2.You have to purchase 1000 chicks from different hatchries.I said to you that purchase chicks from different hatchries because of different blood-line of chicks.If one blood-line unfortunately faces any-kind of disease then other blood-lines will be safe from it.In Pakistan 3.1000 chicks cost 30,000rs.
4.1000 chicks need 1 kanal space.You can also adjust chicks in a very small space it depends on you.
5.1000 chicks can easily consume the feed of 10,000rs in 6 month.10,000rs for the vaccination of the hens in 6 months and 5000rs we include for other expendetures.
6.After the 6 months hens are ready ,they will start laying eggs and now its a time of earning profit from these.

Investment on This Business:-

1.We purchased chicks costing 30,000rs.
2.Chicks consumes feed of 10,000rs.
3.On medicines and vaccination we spend 10,000rs.
4.For special services we spend 5000rs.
5.We also paid rent for the area is 30,000rs for 7 months.
6.The whole investment on this business is 85,000rs but we will expect 90,000rs.

Times for Earning Profit:-

We purchased 1000 chicks but unfortunately 200 chicks will die(if not then it is your bonus).
Only 800 chicks will raised and become hens and start laying eggs.Every-day you will received 700 eggs.In Pakistan one brown egg cost is 30rs,but you will sell eggs at the price of 20rs.

Your one day income is 700 multiply by 20 = 14000 rupees.

Your one week income is 14000 multiply by 7 = 98000 rupees.

In a week you can easily cover your whole investment and start taking profit.

Your one month profit is 14000 multiply by 30 = 4lac20,000 rupees.

If you do not want to sell eggs than you can also sell hens to chicken shop.In Pakistan one kg chicken price is 350 rupees.And you have 800 hens and their apprx. weight will be 2kg in this process you can easily earn 700 multiply by 2 =1400kg. Now you have 1400kg chicken.One kg chicken price in Pakistan will be 350 rupees apprx.1400 multiply by 350 =4 lac 90,000.Your total investment is 90,000 it means you can easily earn 400000 rupees in 6 month in the first small attempt of experience.
If you sell eggs than you can easily earn the profit of 4 lac 20,000 rupees per month.
If you sell chicken than you can easily earn the profit of 66,000 per month without doing any extra hardwork. Its just a part time work and this business does not require any crew. You can get help of your family members and friends if you want to need.
If you start this work at a very high level then you need to hire a crew but monthly profit will be in Millions and after 5-10 years you will be a Billionaire.This is the reason why Bill-Gates suggest this business.And the more profit-able point of this business is that this market will never gone in the negative way.Chicken and Eggs are the need of every kind of people.However they are rich or poor.People will easily purchase eggs and chicken for their family and friends.Doctors also recommend to eat  two eggs in the  breakfast.

If you want to learn about chicken and their benifts then click on the link and read it carefully you can easily get the advantages of chicken and their history.

Click on this link:-
Chicken and their benefits and the detailed history of hens

Hassan Zafar

Author & Editor


    read this InshaAllah you will acheive your goal
