Saturday, April 18, 2020

Chicken and their Benefits


The Chicken is a type of domesticated fowl.A subspecies of red jungle fowl.They are one of the most common and widespread domestic animals with a total population of 23.7 billion as of 2018 up from more than 19 billion in 2011,There are more chickens in the world than any other bird or domesticated fowl.
 Life Span:-5-10 years
 Scientific Name:-Gallus gallus       domesticus
 Mass:-Average weight is 3-4kg

       Chickens Knows For Egg laying Ability

The world oldest known chicken was a hen which died of heart failure of the hen.Hens cluck loudly after laying an egg,and also to call their chicks.The amount of eggs chicken lays in a day can vary depending on a numbers of factors.While most chickens are know to lay five eggs in a week,the number of eggs are also depend on the breed,age and environment..
           Most hens takes 25-26 hours to produce one egg.Egg production is light sensitive,and eventually the hen will lay too late in the afternoon to start developing the next egg.She will therefore skip one day,before starting the new clutch in morning.
           The average hen can lay 530 eggs throughout her lifetime.Taking these two factors in consideration,the average hen will produce 265 eggs in a year.Most hens have two productive years of egg laying and taper off as they age.

                 Energy in one Chicken Egg

According to the United States Department of 
Agriculture,one medium boiled or poached
egg weighing 44g can provide the following nutrients

Energy     62.5 calories
Protien     5.5  grams
Total Fat   4.2g of which 1.4g are saturated

        How much fat and protien does one  kg chicken contain?

Roasted Chicken Meat only:-   Calories 266,Protien 40.5g,Total fat 10.4g
Chicken breast meat only:-              Calories  141,Protien    27.6gm,Total fat 3.1gm
Boneless breast  fillets:-                   Calories   200,Protien   46gm         

Hassan Zafar

Author & Editor


