Some interesting facts related to animals
The way of life and living of animals is very different from humans.Some animals are domesticated and some are very dangerous which take the life of humans.Although we know a lot about animals,but animals are several things about which we know nothing today.Let us know about some such interesting fact related to animals:-
1.The baby of a Chinese newborn water deer is so small that we can hold it in our palm.
2.There are 16 species of pigs found all over the world,about half of them are reared by farmers in China.
3.Along with humans,the heart of all creatures is also in place,but do you know that the heart of a prawn is in its brain.
4.You may be aware that some of the gorillas move with humans,but do you know that gorillas can have cold-cough disease like humans.
5.Snakes are carnivorous, meaning that they eat only animals,often snakes hunt insects,birds,frogs and other small mammals for food.
6.A large ivory weighs about 9pounds.
7.You will be surprised to know that no matter what kind of monkeys are in the world,they always peel and eat bananas like humans.
8.The trunk of an elephant has 40,000 muscles but not a single bone.
9.All Kangaroo species use their tails to balance their body.
10.The hippopotamus is one of the very few animals that give birth to children in water.
11.An african elephant has only 4 teeth in his mouth.
12.The world's smallest dog is Toddy.It is so small that you can easily sit it on your palm.Its size is 7cm and weight is 300 grams.It is considered the worlds smallest dog.
13.The eyes of a dog are about 5 times faster than the eyes of humans,in addition to this,the hearing ability of a dog is 9 times faster than the humans.
14.Ostrich can run faster than the horse.
15.Bats are the only mammals that can fly.The legs bones of bats are so thin that out of 12,00 species of bats,only 2 species can walk on the ground.
16.Do you know that a female kangaroo has three private parts,which helps them becoming pregnant.
17.The gorilla sleeps 14 hours a day.
18.A healthy blue whale can weigh up to thirty elephants.
19.A poisonous butterfly species is found in Africa whose body has enough poison to kill six cats at a time.
20.The tongue of a giraffe is so long that it can also clean its ears through the tongue.
21.You cannot store yogurt with camel milk.
22.The most poisonous fish in the world is name is stone fish,which looks like a common stone.
23.Dogs only sweat on the paws because dogs have sweat glands in the middle of their paws.
24.The location of the donkey eye's enables their four legs at all times.Forexample, while walking donkey can see all four legs.
25.The crocodile swallows the stone to go further down in the water,which increases its weight and can go deeper.
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