Saturday, May 9, 2020

Google Core Update May2020

Google Core Update May(2020):-

Google announces his new update.This update is very cool and amazing.After this update some of the content creators will get some advantages but due to this some of the content creators has to face some-kinds of loss/getting problems to rank their website in Google.
         In the past their is also a update of Google update.This core update is a latest version of the past update.This Google core update mainly focus is content.As we all know that Google updates its algorithm time by time and according to their need but these kind of changes are not revealed publicly but Google revealed those updates which are very important for us.Google core update is also very important for us.


After this update Google will only rank those websites which content are very unique.Here unique means that's your content is real.All the words you used are very simple,easy to read and these types of words are not used by the others.After the update if you see that Google changes your websites position it means that you are not writing a unique content/You have stolen the ideas of others and then you edit it.It creates problems for your website.

If your website shows the data of only one brand/one product then it is very good for you.Example:Your website will only gives information about Samsung phones and you only write about samsung products.Then it is very good,this will create alot of chances to rank your website in Google but if you websites give information about alot  of brand or a lot of topics then it is very hard to rank your website on Google.

Google Core update will give benefit to those content creators who will update their websites time by time and confused why Google is not ranking their websites in top but due to this update google will overview your website and rank your websites within few days.

Make your content user-friendly,so everyone can easily read it.Making user friendly content your website will rank in the google.

If you are writing any-kind of article then used simple words so everyone can easily read it if you use difficult words then it creates problem for your website.

If due to some reasons your websites will goes downward in rank then do not do any-kind of changes in your websites.

Use user-friendly pictures,images and PDF file in your blog or website.

If you use any-kind of video in your blog or website then only use those videos which are similar to your article.

Do not write long paragraphs.Use small paragraphs in your article.


Write user friendly article.
Do not write big paragraphs.
Make your own content.
Choose one topic and write articles on this topic due to this your website will become a high authority and it  will rank on google.
   Follow these points if you want to earn money from your website.

Hassan Zafar

Author & Editor


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