Tuesday, May 19, 2020

German Shepherd - the most preferred breed of dog

German Shepherd - the most preferred breed of dog

The German Shepherd is a medium to large sized dog.It drives it names from being of German origin.The name is a combination of German+Shepherd.The Shepherd in Urdu means shepherd i.e Herd Sheep.The German Shepherd is a working dog breed that was used to control sheep and goats in the older times.
German Shepherd - the most preferred breed of dog

German Shepherd breed their British name Alsatian is also known by the name of Alsatian.These dogs,as is known by their name Shepherd,are adapt at grazing,protecting and controlling sheep herds.Even today it is used in this work in European countries.Dogs of this breed considered highly loyal.

The German Shepherd breed is one of the worlds favorite dogs breed.German Shepherd dog breeds are ideal pets for a wide range of tasks including support and assistance,search and rescue,police and military roles and acting for the disabled for their strenght,intelligence,training and obidience.

The speciality of this breed of dogs.is that these endows are calm and gentle,as well as very agressive towards their target.Although they are not very friendly but do not harm anyone without any reason.

Color and Size

Typically German Shepherds are either gray-black or pale reddish-yellow and black mixed colors.They are also black and white throughout but are rare.
German Shepherd - the most preferred breed of dog

The standard height of male German Shepherd is 60-65cm and that of female is 55-60cm.The size of the male dog is 30-40kg while that of the female is 20 to 33 kg.Dogs of this breed are taller than most of the breeds.


The German Shepherd is particularly noted for his intelligence.It is very easy to train them by adopting the right methods.In a book tittled The intelligence of Dogs.author Stanley Koren Places the German Shepherd for intelligence third after Border Collies and poodles.In research they found that they had the ability to learn simple tasks by repeating only five times and they followed the first common given on 95% of the occassion.

It is this ability of police service that makes the breed an ideal choice for finding clues and criminals,as guards and search and rescue dogs,as they learn quicker than other breeds and have better interpretation and instructions for instruction.Are able to do.


A German Shepherd puppy can cost between 5000 to 10,000 rupees.Depending on the hair of the dog,their is the difference in the price.They are divided into the two categories with single coat and double coat hair.Dog hair with double coat hair is more long and hairy and this species is considered rare and superior.Therefore,it also cost more.

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Hassan Zafar

Author & Editor


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